Clinics We Offer

Health Promotions
Checks and clinics for the following are held regularly or from time to time as appropriate.
- Diabetic*
- Asthma/COPD
- Well Woman/Well Man*
- Blood Pressure
- Family Planning/Contraception
- Travel Vaccinations
- Weight/Diet
- Counselling (on doctors referral)
- Child Development
- Childhood Immunisations/Vaccinations
If attending for any of the above marked * please bring a urine sample with you.

Cervical Smears
Cervical screening can help save lives by spotting harmful or potentially harmful changes in cervical cells earlier, meaning women can get access to treatment when it’s more likely to be effective. This means that cervical screening can lead to better outcomes for women, as well as helping to prevent cervical cancer.
So Please remember Chagford Health Centre are open for business as usual for all women to have their cervical smear done at Chagford Health Centre during the Covid Pandemic so please do remember to book your appointment with the Practice Nurse by calling us on 01647 433320.

Child Health Surveillance
Children from birth to five years are regularly called for examination to assess their growth and development.
Please click here for more information about childhood immunisations.

Minor Surgery
Dr Matt Symonds and Dr Claire Hard do Minor Surgery at Chagford Health Centre by appointment. Please make an appointment with your GP to discuss 1st.

Influenza Vaccination
A clinic is carried out in October each year. It is recommended that if you are over 65 or suffer from Diabetes, Asthma, Bronchial problems or Heart and Kidney trouble, carer or healthcare worker you should be vaccinated annually. It is also recommended that if you are over 65 you should also have the pneumococcal vaccine to protect you against pneumonia. One vaccine is lifelong.

NHS Health Checks
What will happen at the NHS Health Check?
There are two parts to an NHS Health Check. First, you will be asked a few simple questions and have a few straightforward health tests. These will allow an assessment of your risk of developing four diseases: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease and also patients who are on the hypertensive list (high blood pressure) as they have yearly recalls.
The check will take around 20 to 30 minutes:
- You’ll be asked some simple questions about your family history, whether or not you smoke and how much alcohol you drink.
- Your height, weight, sex, ethnicity and age will be recorded.
- Your blood pressure will be taken.
- A simple blood test will check your cholesterol level.
- Your body mass index (BMI)will be calculated. BMI is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height.
After this, Sam (our Health care assistant) will give you your results and explain what they mean. In some instances, tests may have to be sent away for analysis. This means that some people won't get their test results immediately and may be asked to return at a later date for this discussion.
You’ll have the opportunity to ask for advice and support on maintaining good health, and on lifestyle changes that will help you to improve your health. If necessary, you’ll be offered treatments that will help: for example, medicine to lower raised blood pressure.
If you are aged 65 to 74, you'll also be given general information about dementia, how to reduce your risk of developing it and where to find more information about it and the type of support services available in your area.
These checks are offered to all 40-74 year olds who do not fit into any of the four categories above (as highlighted). The checks are available on Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays.